




         1. 强化学生素质培养,扩展国际视野,提高学生的综合竞争力。中心将继续加强对学生学习和科研的引导和教育,加强学生职业素养的培养,强化一个国外流行的职业理念:“Business is business, nothing Personal”,要求中心的学生对自己的任务岗位负责,而不是对某个具体的人,具体的老师负责,增强自我责任感,自我约束能力,自我学习和提高的意识。同时通过实验室内部建议科研岗位责任制,明确学生职责,要求对自己的科研任务和岗位负责。考虑到研究生培养具有一定的自主性,我们还需要把学生工作做得更细致,将中心的发展目标与学生的自身发展结合得更紧密。同时要求增强高低年级互动,高年级学生做好传、帮、带工作,积极鼓励学生培养自己的综合能力,让学生广泛参与校各项文体和社团活动。

        2. 完善中心管理机制,提高中心的运营效率,量化考核标准。充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,提高内部的凝聚力和团队合作意识。建立量化考核制度,要求每位学生按时在网上学生信息平台(Redmine)上提交科研进度周报和月报,在中心老师比较少的情况下,能有效掌握学生情况并以此进行考核;建立了学生议会制度,让学生充分参与实验室的管理;培养学生骨干,起带头和榜样作用,树立起中心的文化氛围。

        3. 让更多的学术”走出去”,培养学生的“国际化”视野。要求以后每一学期学生返校后做一项开学报告,就国外一流大学计算机专业特色研究方向,结合自身的兴趣进行汇报自己的研究感想。并积极鼓励学生“走出去”,去国外高校学术交流、参加国外的学术会议,并指导学生在国外期刊、会议发表更多高水平论文。这几个方面也是中心近两年来的工作之重点,并取得了一定成绩。

        4. 抓住《深圳市振兴互联网产业规划(2009-2015)》实施的契机,与时俱进。在已有条件和氛围下建立起有一定影响力的学科品牌,并不断加强学生对深圳的认同感,让学生参与更多的深圳地区的产学研项目和企业实习,要对深圳地区的信息产业发展做出更大的贡献。



Pass On the Torch, Strive For the Future

——-“Internal Seminar on Recent Advanced Internet Technologies”

Center for Internet Research and Engineering (CIRE), PKUSZ

    On March 26, 2010, the annual internal academic exchange seminar of CIRE was successfully held in the Moot Court, Building B of PKUSZ campus. Mr. Kai Lei, deputy director, Dr. Lianen Huang, a post-doc researcher and all the other faculty, staff and students had attended the conference. During the event, teachers and students carried out an active and in-depth exchanges on laboratory research and the status quo, and key characteristics of the research in computer science department of top 20 universities in the world, as well as how to make a great contribution to the development of Internet Industry in the ShenZhen city.

    At the seminar in the morning, the teacher Kai Lei first introduced the status of laboratory research and then pointed out the direction of future development, followed by Grade 07 each to introduce their graduate research and work, and discussed a variety of innovative ideas to better development of the lab for the benefits of all. After that, Grade 08 talked about their difficulties in campus, and found out some weak points of the lab to be perfected, as well as Instruction to Grade 09 on how to quickly adapt to new life in SZPKU and many other significant topics.

    In the afternoon, based on the previous and full investigation of 15 first-class foreign universities, Grade 09 selected three of the most admired professors and three of the most interested and unique research fields, and explored their research and studies to help the development of the center as reference. In addition, each airs their own views on how to better accomplish laboratory to be internationalized respond to the call from Prof. Wen Hai, Vice President of PKU, Chancellor of PKUSZ .
    At the end, Teacher Kai Lei gave a summary, which focused on four following aspects.

    1. Our goal is to strengthen the quality of student training, expand their international horizons and promote their overall competitiveness. The Center will continue to enforce the guidance and education of learning and scientific research, emphasize students’ professional training and ethics, and try to lead our students to keep in mind and follow a standard internalization career concept: “Business is business, nothing Personal”, which called on the Center’s students to be responsible for their own job tasks, while not responsible to a specific person, or a specific teacher. As a result, it will enhance students’ awareness of self-responsibility, self-discipline and self learning. At the same time, considering graduate students are thought to be creative, we encourage students to have some free time to do research respectively, but students still need to work in a more meticulous manner for the most of the time to balance the center’s development goals and the students’ own development. What’s more, it is strongly recommend that high-grade students do pass on the torch, help the lower-grade students. More importantly, we actively encourage students to develop their own comprehensive capabilities, and participate in a wide range of sports and community activities.

    2. Great efforts to improve the management mechanism and enhance the center’s operational efficiency, and quantize appraisal standards. It leads to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students, improve the internal sense of cohesion and teamwork. We have established a kind of information platform of quantitative evaluation system (including Redmine and Oblog OA systems) to require each student to submit their weekly and monthly reports. In that case, although the center has a relatively small number of teachers, they can effectively master students’ situation and thus can assess their performance thoroughly. Moreover, we have founded the students’ parliamentary system to enable students to fully participate in the management of laboratories; and cultivate leaders of students, who can set examples to others and thus establish a good cultural atmosphere.
     Meantime, we try to improve the financial management of students, and provide some incentive element. According to students’ achievement, research contribution and participation in cultural and sports activities, we adjust their academic scholarships. When one has got more than one-third priority evaluation of the academic year, he/she will be given a certain research grant awards.

    3. Let more academic go outside and broaden the students’ internationalization visions. Students are asked to do a report on characteristics of computer science research in those first-class foreign universities when they back to school after each semester, as well as tell their own feelings about their study combined with their own interest. And students are strongly encouraged to actively have academic exchanges with other universities and participate in academic conferences abroad. Moreover, we are responsible to better guide students to publish their research in foreign journals, high-level conference papers, which was also the central work of the past two years we focused and have already achieved some results.

    4. With the good opportunity of the government guidance of “the revitalization of the Internet industry in Shenzhen City Planning (2009-2015)”, we should keep up our pace with the times. Based on the existing conditions and atmosphere, we tend to establish an influential disciplines brand and continue to enhance the sense of belonging to Shenzhen, so that more students can have opportunities to participate in the research projects in Shenzhen, which will make a great contribution to the development of Internet Industry in ShenZhen City.

(By Lingjuan Peng, CIRE 08)

